Sunday, July 17, 2011

When the Starting Line is the Finish Line.

I did 8 miles on my long day! When you look at your training plan and see what is about to come I wonder if I can do it. I worry about another injury. I wonder if I'm going to over do it and get another injury. Mostly, I worry about another injury...a lot!!!

I'm beginning to believe that the hardest part of a marathon is just making it to the starting line in good health. I'm thinking that running the marathon will be the easy part.

Of course I'm a newbie and don't know what I'm talking about but Hey, I'm just talking out loud here.

So what if I've bitten off more than I can chew? So what if I'm in hopelessly over my head? It's just like life. If I knew what was going on and what to do all the time I wouldn't need to read, call mom for advice, talk with others, or my personal favorite, figure it out as I go along. Sure it's not a great plan for success but at least I'm doing it. I am trying. I give up sometimes, get hurt sometimes, but I'm trying no matter what.

I think that is what makes the marathon such a great event. It's the trying. It's the beginning. It's the starting that makes the marathon great. Finishing is great too, but to decide to commit to weeks of training, to DO the weeks of training, the planning of race day, the scheduling of work time, family time, illness, unexpected troubles, injury and to persevere and arrive in good health at the starting line on time, on race day...Yes, the starting can be a finishing line too.

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